Monday, 29 December 2014

Epiphany Still Waters

 a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the present moment in quiet

Saturday 10th January
please note the change of date! 

Wild Fortune Prayer Loft
We shall gather in stillness from 8am, with a short led meditation at 8.30, 
followed by shared silence until 9.30. 

There is no need to book. However please let us that know you intend to come. 
For those who wish, there is the opportunity to stay afterwards for a cuppa.

Peace be with you. 

Saturday, 27 December 2014

As Archbishop Justin has said ... this is no fairytale ...

A Service of Silence & Beholding

Sunday 28th December 2014
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, West Sussex
A meditation on the reality of the Incarnation

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Christmas 2014

As we enter this season of Christmas, we are deeply thankful for the goodness and self-giving love of God, amidst all the circumstances of life... poured out in the Incarnation.

In the birth of Christ, God comes to meet us...
                                                           there is no place where God is not ...
His love for me brought low his greatness.
He made himself like me so that I might receive him.
He made himself like me so that I might be clothed in him.
I had no fear when I saw him,
for he is mercy for me.
He took my nature so that I might understand him,
my face so that I should not turn away from him. 
Odes of Solomon 7
(The Roots of Christian Mysticism by Olivier ClĂ©ment) 

Peace be with you this Christmastide. 

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Advent Still Waters: Hiddenness & the Breath

For the winter months we have moved venue, from the weathered beauty of Sullington church, nestled in a farm yard at the foot of the South Downs, to a newly created loft space at our home at Wild Fortune. From an ancient place to a new place, in Advent, the beginning of the year in the Christian tradition ... 

A little of the vision ...

Jesus said:
...whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. (Matthew 6:6)

One of the elements in the design of the Prayer Loft came out in an early conversation with our architect; it was to be a space which enabled hiddenness. So the windows in the walls are small, and low set,  the roof gently sloping inward, enfolding, cocoon-like. At the same time there is an openness to the sky with the high rooflight, inclined to the East, the place of the rising sun, the bright Morning Star, the Risen One ...

Words from John of the Cross:
Since then, your Beloved is the treasure hidden in a field for which the wise merchant sold all his possessions, and that field is your soul, in order to find him you should forget all your possessions and all creatures and hide in the secret room of your spirit and there, closing the door behind you (that is, your will to all things), you should pray to your Father in secret. Remaining hidden with him, you will experience him in hiding, that is, in a way transcending all language and feeling. (The Spiritual Canticle CB 1:9)

Today is not the first day that there has been prayer here. It became a prayer loft the day the chip board was laid across the rafters and the builders left a ladder in the stairwell. Sitting on the dusty floor in the early evening, in my scruffy paint spattered work clothes, surrounded by the builders' tools, the work began ... deep speaking to deep.

Over the months, since May, there have been twist and turns, struggle and pain in the building of this place – particularly in the stories that we have been told by those who have helped to create it. It has been important  - it has felt vital – to breathe life and love into this place for the sake of those people ...

And I am reminded of the Carmelite sisters at Quidenham in Norfolk, who I visited on retreat some 4 or 5 years ago. Their enclosed life of prayer was for me the beating heart and the breathing lungs of the body of Christ – hidden from sight, yet giving life to the whole ...

Words from Thomas Merton, which continue to inspire our life here:
Let there always be quiet places in which we can take refuge. Places where we can kneel in silence. Houses of God, filled with His silent presence. There, even when we do not know how to pray, at least we can be still and breath easily. Let there be a place somewhere in which you can breath naturally, quietly, and not have to take your breathe in continuous short gasps. A place where your mind can be idle, and forget its concerns, descend into silence, and worship in secret. (Seeds of Contemplation - adapted)

My prayer today is that this place, the places where we each live, our personal life paths, our relationships with others and our companionship in the way of Christ, will echo and embrace being hidden in order to breathe the breath of God for the sake of the earth and all humanity ...

With our thanks to those who have helped birth this vision into reality. 

Peace be with you - in hiddenness and breath ...

Friday, 28 November 2014

Advent Still Waters

As we enter the season of Advent we have a change of venue for Still Waters, from Sullington Church, which is a beautiful sacred space, to our home at Wild Fortune for the months of December to March. We look forward to returning to the church in April next year.  

With Advent also comes the anticipation of the revealing of God, both in the Christ-child and in the fulfilment of the purposes of Love. And whilst the question is often around about readiness, I wonder if it is possible to ever be ready for the fullness of such a revealing? Did Mary feel ready for such a birth?  Do I feel ready for what is being birthed in my life?

I’m asking the question because since May, Wild Fortune has been a bit of a building site with the expectation that it would all be finished in August, then September, then November, now the first week in December ... and we are hosting Still Waters here on 6th December! All being well, it will no longer be a building site by then, but a spacious loft room above the garage designed for quiet hidden prayer.

As with all birth, we have a sense of unknowing and anxiety along with excitement and anticipation.   Please do come and join us on the 6th December to help birth this new space into life.

We shall begin at 8am with gathering in stillness and silence for those who wish to come early, or come for a prompt start at 8.30. There will then be some input on the contemplative tradition, leading into silence until about 9.30/9.45. You are then welcome to either slip away quietly, or to stay afterwards for a cuppa!

Please note that the meditation space is upstairs and it would be helpful if you could let us know that you are coming. There is some parking on our drive; more is available in Hillside Road, from which the twitten connects through to Sandgate Lane.  Do get in touch through this blog or via email if you are planning to come or would like to know more.

Peace be with you

Tessa & Mark Holland

Thursday, 20 November 2014

A Service of Silence & Beholding

An unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist

Sunday 23rd November 2014 


St. Mary's Church, Sullington, RH20 4AE

With the darker winter mornings, the church will be lit by candlelight and there will be no service sheet or book, so there will be no need to struggle to read in the gloom! 
However, please do dress warm.
The invitation is to enter into an unhurried time of silent meditation, with words offered as stepping stones in the silence,  becoming present together at the heart of the Eucharist – 
Come and be ... just as you are 

All are welcome 

Peace be with you

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Inner and Outer

Still Waters

a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the present moment in quiet

Saturday 1st November
at St. Mary’s Church, Sullington, RH20 4AE 
from 8am, or 9am until 10.

On All Saints day, with insights from Meister Eckhart, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, our focus will be on the imperative to give our attention to the inner life, as that from which the outer life emerges ... 

Please do come at either 8am or 9am for an hour, or for the whole time. 
You may find it helpful to bring an extra layer of clothing or a blanket; sitting meditation is a little easier when the body is kept warm! 

All are welcome.

Peace be with you

Friday, 24 October 2014

A Service of Silence & Beholding

An unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist 

Sunday 26th October 8am
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, RH20 4AE

As we gather in silence, we come just as we are, 
to seek the face of God
and to wait upon the Divine presence.
In the stillness and silence, in our attentiveness and our letting go, 
the silence will deepen,
so we also depart quietly, taking whatever has been received in this time into the day. 
Apart from a short introduction, there are no announcements;
the reading and prayers are offered as stepping stones in the quiet, 
taking us deeper into the mystery of the sacrament.

'The Father spoke one Word, which was His Son, 
and this Word He always speaks in eternal silence, 
and in silence it must be heard by the soul.'
St. John of the Cross

Peace be with you

Thursday, 9 October 2014

The Wisdom of the Body - an ongoing journey

‘Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?’
(1 Corinthians 6:19)

One aspect of my learning and practice that has really benefited from this somewhat crazy, out in the wilderness, contemplative journey, is the value of body awareness as an integral part of my faith and practice.

It seems to me – and I am not alone in saying this - that western Christianity, over the centuries, has sold out on the body – as well as silence and meditation, preferring an intellectual, dogmatic, dualist approach. It’s hardly surprising that, for some, faith has become an intellectual activity, too much in the mind and separated from daily life. Those who seek an integrated spirituality of body, mind and spirit have sometimes gone elsewhere, or given up on the search altogether.

So I want to try to play my part in reclaiming and proclaiming the place of the body as integral to the Jesus path. Christianity is, after all, an embodied faith, first and foremost in the person of Jesus – the Word made flesh … (John 1: 14)

For me that reclamation and proclamation is about walking the walk – it is about being a practitioner, honouring the body as a place of sacred wisdom and Divine presence. And when we honour that practice, which I think begins in stillness and silence, it feels to me that it spills over into our work, speech, relationships, actions and choices.

When we honour the sacred in our body, we honour the sacred in the other.

When we honour our own earth-ness as a place of divine presence, we honour the earth as a place of divine presence.

So may it be.

Peace be with you.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

The wisdom of the body

Still Waters 

Saturday, 4th October, 2014
at St. Mary’s Church, Sullington, RH20 4AE 
from 8am, or 9am until 10. 

This session will focus – very briefly - on ‘body consciousness’ and the practice of focusing through which we can turn our attention to inside the body with ‘gentle eyes’ and learn to listen to the inner Sacred Presence than is greater than ourselves. The practice will lead us into our shared silence.

'Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you?'
1 Corinthians 6:19

Peace be with you.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

September offerings

This month sees three events in the South Downs area to which you are warmly invited:

Contemplative Fire 'Still Waters' on Saturday 6th September from 8 to 10am.

'A Service of Silence & Beholding' on Sunday 28th September at 8am.

Both Still Waters and Silence & Beholding are at St. Mary's Church, Sullington 
- further details can be found using the side bar to the right of this page.   

Also on the 28th September at 6pm
at St. James Church, Church Lane, Ashurst, West Sussex BN44 3AR

'Seeing with the Eye of the Heart'

a reflective evening with a short introduction by Tessa Holland, 
followed by a time of led meditation using original paintings 
along with insights from the Christian mystics. 

Peace be with you

Friday, 18 July 2014

Summer Rhythms

We are having a rest during July
so our next gatherings will be - 
Still Waters on August 2nd
A Service of Silence & Beholding
on August 24th

'There is nothing so much like God in all the universe as Silence'
Meister Eckhart

Peace be with you

Tuesday, 1 July 2014


Please note – 

this month’s Still Waters, planned for Saturday 5th July, is cancelled. 
However, if you are looking for quiet space, the church is open as always from 7.30am. 

The Father spoke one Word, which was his Son,
and this Word he always speaks in eternal silence,
and in silence must it be heard by the soul.
St. John of the Cross

Peace be with you

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

'Hearts open, desires known, no secrets hid' - intimacy with the Divine

A Service of Silence & Beholding

Sunday 22nd June, 8am,
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, West Sussex RH20 4AE

an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist

Almighty God
unto whom all hearts be open, 
all desires known and from whom no secrets are hid;
cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love thee,
and worthily magnify thy Holy Name;
through Christ our Lord.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Saturday 7th June - The Living Fiery Essence

Awakening to the Divine presence in all things
Saturday June 7th 2014
A spacious time of contemplative, creative and compassionate practice in the way of Christ; drawing on the teachings of the mystics, with stillness indoors and out, sharing of insight and journeying with others

St. Mary's Church and Sullington Manor Farm Tithe Barn, Sullington, West Sussex, RH20 4AE

Suggested donation £10, payable on booking.
Advance booking is necessary as places are limited.

Further details and to book a place contact:
Tessa & Mark Holland
Tel: 01903 741904

The Living Fiery Essence

 “I am that living fiery essence of the divine substance that flows in the beauty of the fields.
I shine on the water;
I burn in the sun and moon and the stars.
The mysterious force of the invisible world is mine.
I sustain the breath of all living beings.  
I breathe in the grass and in the flowers;  
and when the waters flow like living things, it is I . . .
I am the force that lies hidden in the winds;  
they take their source from me,
as a man may move because he breathes;  
fire burns by my blast.  
All these live because I am in them and am their life.
 I am Wisdom.  
The blaring thunder of the Word
by which all things were made is mine.  
I permeate all things that they may not die;
I am life.”

Hildegard of Bingen

Friday, 23 May 2014

You in me & I in you ...

A Service of Silence & Beholding

Sunday 25th May, 8am,
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, West Sussex RH20 4AE

an unhurried time in which to dwell  - to abide - at the heart of the Eucharist

Jesus said:
If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you for ever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you. 

I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them. 

John 14: 15-21 

Let what the words evoke live within your heart.

Peace be with you. 

Thursday, 8 May 2014

The Living Fiery Essence

Awakening to the Divine presence in all things

Saturday June 7th 2014
A spacious time of contemplative, creative and compassionate practice in the way of Christ; drawing on the teachings of the mystics, with stillness indoors and out, sharing of insight and journeying with others

St. Mary's Church and Sullington Manor Farm Tithe Barn, Sullington, West Sussex, RH20 4AE

Suggested donation £10, payable on booking.
Advance booking is necessary as places are limited.

Further details and to book a place contact:
Tessa & Mark Holland
Tel: 01903 741904

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Still Waters

a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the present moment in quiet

Saturday 3rd May 2014
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, West Sussex RH20 4AE


Led by local Companions and friends of the community of Contemplative Fire, with insights from the Christian contemplative tradition and guidance on stillness, followed by companionable silence.

You are welcome to come for an hour at either 8am or 9am, or stay for the whole time until 10am. No booking required. Please dress comfortably and bring an extra layer for warmth!

For further information about Contemplative Fire, a community of Christ at the edge, go to

'There is nothing so much like God in all the universe as Silence'
Meister Eckhart

Peace be with you

Friday, 25 April 2014

A Service of Silence & Beholding

A time of unhurried silence
in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist.

Sunday April 27th
8 a.m.
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, West Sussex, RH20 4AE

On this first Sunday following Easter the Gospel reading focuses on Jesus appearing to the disciples and on their seeing, not seeing and being seen
- themes which arise in John of the Cross ...

When you looked at me
your eyes imprinted your grace in me
for this you loved me ardently;
and thus, my eyes deserved to adore
what they beheld in you

John of the Cross - The Spiritual Canticle 

We gather in silence, coming just as we are, to seek the face of God and to wait upon the Divine presence. In and through our attentiveness, gazing and listening, the silence deepens, so we also depart quietly, taking what we have received into the day. There are no announcements; the spoken words are offered as stepping stones in the quiet, taking us deeper into silence. 
All is Eucharist.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Christ is Risen - Alleluia!

Encounter at Dawn
Meditation: Matthew 28:1-11 with ‘Encounter at Dawn’ art installation

Notes from my journal Sunday 25th January 2009:
St. Beuno’s retreat centre, North Wales.
11.30am: have had the most wonderful walk up to the top of the hill this morning – wet and muddy underfoot – windy, but dry otherwise. As I walked I was aware of the two grieving Mary’s of the gospel – and at the same time of the steep little back road in shadow on this bright morning. Turning to take in the view and to rest, the A55 ribboned across the valley and for the first time I noticed a river, flat and lazy meandering its way through fields on the way to the sea. Both the road and the river had places of hiddenness in their lengths. Continuing on my walk, encircling the hill, coming to the summit in a roundabout oblique way, there were interruptions of stiles and gates. It was a welcome solitary walk with breath-taking views of hill and valley, farms, sheep, villages, sky, sky and more sky! Clouds were rolling in and in the distance, there were signs of rain. Standing on the top, encircled by light and space, I gave thanks and turned to leave – finding directly ahead, a rainbow above the bay – heaven touching earth – all the colours present – pure gift! My descent from the top of the hill had energy – a light step with a clear head and my body energised and refreshed.

4.25pm: Back in the art room, the A55 and the river informed the beginning of this painting. Two ribbons begin the journey, like hillside streams meeting and flowing together, the two Mary’s meet in the dark grey of dawn and journey together companionably in grief, supporting one another in love. This is a journey of knowing and unknowing – their way is not clear, either exteriorly or interiorly – the future is hidden from them – their present reality – their truth in that morning is one of loss and darkness. Their arrival at the tomb is interrupted – earthquake – dazzling light and an angelic presence. Like the stiles that lay across my path (which were not half as dramatic!) their encounter gives a new perspective and a threshold is crossed – from loss to hope, their journey becomes one of discovery that has a tomorrow. The message of the angel stays with them as they turn to head back – still with a mixture of fear and joy – the ribbon of their being adorned with the thread of hope… And then the encounter with the risen Jesus – who dispels all fear – their grief transformed to joy and the fire of his presence accompanies them – with energy and light back to the disciples. The journey now has a different colour & form – shot through with the energy of the Spirit enabling the message to be proclaimed in every encounter.

April 2011: Two years on, having translated that little sketch to canvas, the painting now also speaks to me of the poem by John of the Cross, the Dark Night of the Soul – where the soul, in darkness of unknowing, seeks her Beloved, and where the gift of encounter is that of Lover and Beloved.

“O guiding night! O night more lovely than the dawn! O night that has united the Lover with his beloved, transforming the beloved in her Lover.”
The Dark Night, stanza 5, John of the Cross

Today, I invite you to be with the image; a swirl of two energies becoming one – of longing and loving attention in the dark of grief being transfigured, set on fire with new life, in the gift of this encounter at dawn …

Peace be with you 

Friday, 18 April 2014

Good Friday

The Rose Within
The inspiration for this piece arose during a Contemplative Fire retreat on the Welsh coast in September 2007. This particular morning began with silence and insights from the Christian mystics, against a backdrop of stunning sea views, strong wind and glorious sunshine. Following this time of prayer and worship, I felt compelled to be alone, to have a time of reflecting on the place of compassion in the life of the contemplative and in our life as community.

I spent time in silence with the gospel passage for the day, then walked alone to the beach for fresh air and a leg stretch, returning at a slow attentive pace to my room and paints.

I am more than ever deeply struck by how silence enables creative spaciousness within and between – which I think of as being the seedbed for healing love. My aim was to try to represent imprisonment, mental and physical, and to explore how silence, inner silence, far from being an oppressive energy, is an agent of healing. I set about drawing a tangle of thorns and gorse, such as on the headland, hard and barbed, reminiscent of barbed wire – a ring of thorns emerged in my drawing - a crown of thorns – and in the space – the creative spaciousness of silence (created by the crown), a rose, complete with thorns, blooming.

This painting is my prayer offering for today – in colour, texture and form; a prayer which names and touches the places of pain in human lives; it speaks silently of the Presence revealed to us in Jesus Christ who enters the darkness with self-giving Love; it sings a hymn of praise to the One through whom all life is transfigured, silently, in the surrender of Love.

Peace be with you
Tessa Holland

God created through love and for love. God did not create anything except love itself, and the means to love. He created love in all its forms. He created beings capable of love from all possible distances. Because no other could do it, he himself went to the greatest possible distance, the infinite distance. This infinite distance between God and God, this supreme tearing apart, this agony beyond all others, this marvel of love, is the crucifixion. Nothing can be further from God than that which is made accursed.

This tearing apart, over which supreme love places the bond of supreme union, echoes perpetually across the universe in the midst of the silence, like two notes, separate yet melting into one, like pure and heart-rending harmony. This is the Word of God. The whole creation is nothing but its vibration. When human music in its greatest purity pierces our soul, this is what we hear through it. When we have learnt to hear the silence, this is what we grasp more distinctly through it.

Extract from "The Love of God and Affliction" in Waiting on God by Simone Weil

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Maundy Thursday


About this piece:
The washing of the feet of the disciples by Jesus is for me a powerful invitation to be present to the presence of Love; an invitation to be transfigured and transformed for the sake of Love.
It arose from meditating on the celtic insight that my feet are a sign of my presence*; I am more alive and aware of my surroundings when I have bare feet – the grass and dew of the morning in the garden, the sand and shallow waters of the beach, the careful and quiet tiptoeing so as to not wake a sleeping child….Yet I am also aware that for many, bare feet are not a choice, but the result of poverty, destitution, disease…a sign of our vulnerability and all too often a sign of our lack of love for one another.
The piece is my response to the invitation to be present, from the depths of my own vulnerability, to the presence of Love. Held and gently washed by Love. And in the being washed, being equipped to love - for justice to flow like living water…

Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours, no feet but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which
Christ’s compassion cares for the people of the world.
Yours are the feet with which Christ is to go about doing good.
Yours are the hands through which
Christ now brings a blessing.
Teresa of Avila
Contemplation is out of the question for anyone who does not try to cultivate compassion for others…For Christianity is not merely a doctrine or a system of beliefs, it is Christ living in us and uniting all people to one another in His own life and unity.
Thomas Merton (adapted to allow for inclusive language)

For reflection:
o   How do you feel about your feet? Your bare feet?
o   If you are able, spend some of today barefooted, so as to explore and discover a deeper sense of being present to the presence of Love.
o   In the example set by Jesus and in his command to ‘Love one another’, presence and justice are revealed as entwined; what invitation or challenge does this pose for you? 
Peace be with you

*This theme is explored by J. Philip Newell in his book, Echo of the Soul; the sacredness of the human body. Canterbury Press.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Journeying at the Edge: The Quiet Garden and Contemplative Fire

Having been open since 1999, The Wild Fortune Quiet Garden will be closed from May through to the autumn for renovation of the garage and the creation of a prayer loft above. Affiliated to The Quiet Garden Trust, this home and garden offers a simple ministry of quiet prayerful space and has welcomed people from all over Sussex and beyond, all of whom have brought the gift of themselves into our home. Being still and quiet in the company of others, along with the opportunity to walk or sit outdoors, is gently restorative to body, mind and spirit. It is a ministry in which we feel deeply privileged to be involved and we look forward to being open again once the work is complete. 

Meanwhile, there are other Quiet Gardens in Sussex at Watersfield, Petworth, Selsey, Wadhurst, Cowbeech, and also at Fishbourne Church, Worth Abbey and Penhurst Retreat Centre. Contact details are available from The Quiet Garden Trust, either online at, or by phone from the Quiet Garden office, Tel: 01494 569057.

Alongside this ministry is the hidden praying presence of Contemplative Fire: a community of Christ at the edge. Monthly on a Saturday morning from 8-10am at St. Mary’s Church in Sullington, we offer Still Waters: a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the present moment in quiet. This is open to all, no booking or experience required; for current dates, please see the separate page on this blog. Also monthly on a Sunday at 8am at Sullington Church there is A Service of Silence and Beholding, an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist.

On Saturday June 7th there will be a Contemplative Fire Rhythm of Life all day event at Sullington Church and Tithe Barn. Details and booking forms are available from us. If you would like to be added to our email list to receive regular updates please be in touch via this blog.   

Peace be with you.

Tessa & Mark Holland

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Still Waters

a time to enter silence, still the mind 

and encounter the present moment in quiet

Saturday 5th April
St. Mary's Church Sullington, West Sussex RH20 4AE
8  - 10a.m.

St. Mary's Church is a lovely quiet sacred place at the foot of the South Downs, but as those of us who gather there regularly have found, noises from the surrounding farmyard and the sometimes wild weather can challenge the attention and become a distraction. This session will offer a few insights on 'distractions' - both the internal chatter of thoughts and and the outer distractions of noise during contemplative practice.

You are welcome to come for either 8am or 9am, or to stay for the whole 2 hours. Whilst the weather is a little warmer than it has been, please bring an extra layer for comfort and warmth. 

Peace be with you

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Housekeeping for a mouse!

A couple of weeks ago we noticed a smell coming from down beside our little freezer. I opened the window. It didn't go away.  Reluctantly I investigated, thinking it might be 'something dead' that the cats had brought in. As I wrestled the tumble dryer out of the way - no mean feat in a small space, the creature scurried away under the freezer - very much alive! There was quite a system in place - cat biscuit stored in a neat pile under the drier and a very comfy looking nest behind the freezer. Getting out the vacuum to remove the nest and biscuit, the mouse emerged looking very beautiful. It evaded capture  - easily - and disappeared. Goodness knows where! Needless to say the cats seem to think this is my problem.

Yes, it is still in residence - a new nest in the same place and each morning a pile of cat biscuit under the drier. Totally ignored the humane mouse trap with organic peanut butter and cat biscuit. I am at a bit of a loss as to what to do other than to live with the distraction and to clear up after it.... 

A favourite poet sums it up very well. 

Making the House Ready for the Lord
Dear Lord, I have swept and I have washed but
   still nothing is as shining as it should be
for you. Under the sink, for example, is an
   uproar of mice – it is the season of their
many children. What shall I do? And under the eaves
   and through the walls the squirrels
have gnawed their ragged entrances – but it is the season
   when they need shelter, so what shall I do? And
the racoon limps into the kitchen and opens the cupboard
   while the dog snores, the cat hugs the pillow;
what shall I do? Beautiful is the new snow falling
   in the yard and the fox who is staring boldly
up the path, to the door. And still I believe you will
   come, Lord: you will, when I speak to the fox,
the sparrow, the lost dog, the shivering sea-goose, know
   that really I am speaking to you whenever I say,
as I do all morning and afternoon: Come in, Come in.

Mary Oliver

Peace be with you.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

A Service of Silence & Beholding

A time of unhurried silence

 in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist.

Sunday March 23rd
8 a.m.
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, West Sussex, RH20 4AE

We gather in silence, coming just as we are, to seek the face of God and to wait upon the Divine presence. In and through our attentiveness, gazing and listening, the silence deepens, so we also depart quietly, taking what we have received into the day.  There are no announcements; the spoken words are offered as stepping stones in the quiet, taking us deeper into silence. 
All is Eucharist.

Response to Silouan's words in Wisdom Songs

Turn around
Face the Holy
Give yourself to this one thing
Again and again

Be seen
Shed the mask
And untruth of yourself
Enter this place of nakedness
 before God
Be illumined
Be transfigured
by light and love

Be in God
Walk in the way of the Beloved
At one with the Holy One
i am echoing I AM
No longer I
But Christ


Tessa Holland

Peace be with you