Friday, 26 August 2016

Summer Solitude

During August we have been having a rest so there will be no 'Service of Silence & Beholding' on Sunday 28th.  

We resume in September, beginning with a Quiet Garden morning here at Wild Fortune on 14th September; there are spaces at the moment. If you would like to come please email or phone to book a place. There is no charge. 

The next Service of Silence & Beholding will be on Sunday September 25th at 8a.m. at St. Mary's Sullington.

Still Waters resumes on October 1st at St. Mary's Church, Sullington. No need to book. Further details next time. 

Solitude is the womb from which we are born. Within our hearts solitude we find eucharistic confluence where God, community and self suffuse one another with Love. It is a way of being in the world that coinheres with the transcendent God's willingness to be absolutely immanent within the creation. This being in the world in solitude gives shape to our existence. It is in solitude that we come to be for the sake of the community of creation. It is in solitude, that we become Eucharist. 

'Whoever has found love eats Christ at all times.
Whoever is fed with love is fed with Christ.'
Isaac the Syrian

from Pillars of Flame: 
power, priesthood and spiritual maturity
Maggie Ross

Peace be with you. 


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