Thursday, 24 December 2015

In This Birth ...

In this birth
         you will discover 
         all blessing.

But neglect this birth
and you neglect 
all blessing.
      Tend only to this birth in you
and you will find there
all goodness and all consolation,
all delight,
all being and all truth...

from 'Meditations with Meister Eckhart' 
a centering book by Matthew Fox 

Wherever you are in what ever circumstances you find yourself, 
may you know the eternal birthing of Christ within your soul.

All are welcome to join us for Still Waters on January 2nd, 8.30am - 10am for a simple Christmastide meditation and silence at Wild Fortune. 

Peace be with you. 

Monday, 30 November 2015

Advent Stillness

Still Waters - this has been cancelled

Saturday 5th December 8.30-10am at Wild Fortune

8.30am – Gathering in quiet in the prayer loft;
9am – Short introduction and some input from Mike Howard, followed by companionable silence & meditation of about 25 minutes;
9.45am – Optional sharing of insight;
10am -  Circle of blessing

There is room for everybody, but please let us know beforehand if you are coming, so we can set out enough chairs/cushions. The prayer loft, above the garage, is a shoe free zone; do bring slippers if you like warm feet. You are welcome to park on the drive.  

This will be our only gathering during December, as the house and Quiet Garden remains closed for urgent repairs to the house roof. We shall resume with Still Waters on 2nd January here at Wild Fortune and A Service of Silence & Beholding will be on 24th January at Sullington Church.  

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Prayer for Syria & France

Over every living thing which is to spring up, to grow, to flower, 
to ripen this day  say again the words: 
This is my Body. 
And over every death-force which waits in readiness to corrode, 
to wither, to cut down, 
speak again your commanding words which express the supreme mystery of faith: 
This is my Blood. 

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The Mass on the World

Next Sunday, 22nd November there will be 
A Service of Silence & Beholding 
an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist
St. Mary's Sullington
 with readings 
from the Syrian mystical tradition & from
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin & Therese of Lisieux 

For we are all one in Christ

Whoever you are, wherever you find yourself today,
Peace be with you

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Still Waters at Wild Fortune

This Saturday, 7th November is the first of our winter sessions of Still Waters at our home, Wild Fortune. Timings and format are a little different to allow for the darker and possibly frosty mornings and to offer an optional extension to the morning should anybody wish to stay on in the quiet of the house, garden and woods.

8.30am – Gathering in quiet in the prayer loft;
9am – Short introduction followed by companionable silence & meditation;
9.45am – Optional sharing of insight;
10am -  Circle of blessing  

From 10am you are very welcome to either leave, taking the quiet with you into the day, or to stay on for an extended period of quiet, in the prayer loft, the house, the garden or the woods, concluding with prayers for peace in the prayer loft at 12 noon, finishing about 12.15.  Tea and coffee will be in the kitchen on a self-serve basis. As with our Quiet Garden mornings there is no charge, but donations are welcome towards the work of the Quiet Garden Trust.

If you are hoping to join us from 8.30am on Saturday, please let us know. Please note the prayer loft is upstairs and that it is a shoe free zone – so do bring woolly socks or slippers if you wish! You are welcome to use the drive for parking, though if you think you might like to stay for the whole morning, it might be better to park in the next road along and walk through the twitten into our lane.

Other dates are 5th December, 2nd January, 6th February, 5th March. If you’d like to know more or get directions, please do be in touch via this blog or email.

Peace be with you. 
Tessa & Mark

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

A Service of Silence & Beholding

An unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist

Sunday 25th October
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, 
West Sussex RH20 4AE

'... if we are willing to be fully who we are in the equipoise of solitude, in the Silence of God, each of us is testing the edges of darkness, of unknowing, of death, testing the edges because only there is life. Faith is not assent to doctrines or surrounding ourselves with props and propositions. It is trust that God - as Christ shows us - has been there before us, goes within us, waits to find us beyond the edges of utter dark. And, found by God, we become aware that God is closer to our being than we are ... We find ourselves free-falling in eucharistic ungraspingness; and in faith we choose to continue to go on disturbing the universe, co-creating with God by our life and by our death become prayer in the mystery of grace.'

Maggie Ross
Pillars of Flame: Power, Priesthood, and Spiritual Maturity

Peace be with you. 

Thursday, 1 October 2015

October Stillness

Sheer Silence: Still Waters

Saturday 3rd October 2015

St. Mary's Church, 


8am -10am

You are warmly invited to gather this Saturday up at St. Mary’s Church, Sullington, for shared contemplative practice. Again we shall be trying a slightly different format. From 8am until 8.50, following the briefest of welcomes, there will be a time of ‘Sheer Silence’ with the singing bowl sounding at intervals to bring us back to our breath or to shift our posture. We shall have some quiet music playing between 8.50 until 9 whilst we either arrive, leave or stay put!  Then at 9am Meg will be leading us for ‘Still Waters’, with an introduction, a time of quiet, finishing with a brief time of plenary for any shared insight that people would like to offer. The session ends at about 10am. From November until March, for the winter months, our Saturday morning contemplative practice will be at our home, Wild Fortune, in the prayer loft.  More details to follow in due course.

 Peace be with you. 

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Love Bade Me Welcome ...

A Service of Silence & Beholding

 - an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist - 

Sunday 27th September
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, West Sussex

Love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back,
Guiltie of dust and sinne.
But quick-ey’d Love, observing me grow slack
From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning,
If I lack’d anything.

A guest, I answer’d, worthy to be here:
Love said, you shall be he.
I the unkinde, ungratefull? Ah my deare,
I cannot look on thee.
Love took my hand, and smiling did reply,
Who made the eyes but I?

Truth Lord, but I have marr’d them: let my shame
Go where it doth deserve.
And know you not, sayes Love, who bore the blame?
My deare, then I will serve.
You must sit down, sayes Love, and taste my meat:
So I did sit and eat.

George Herbert

Peace be with you

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Welcome & Hospitality

We have recently returned from the Greenbelt festival*, a creative fusion of faith, the arts and social justice, along with people of all ages and weather of all sorts ... yes, it was wet and muddy ... and great fun! 

In amongst other things, we attended some talks and an art exhibition organised by the Corrymeela community whose work of peace & reconciliation particularly in Northern Ireland is inspirational and challenging ... and I have come home wondering about how their perspectives and insights about welcome and hospitality might inform my own life, particularly our ministry of contemplative welcome as a Quiet Garden ...

There is so much to explore, to ponder, to reflect upon ... so this is an insy winsy offering ...

For me, the Rublev icon depicts the Trinity of God as one of welcome... Father, Son and Holy Spirit caught up in the mutual gaze of loving attention – a sense of space at the front welcomes the viewer into the gaze – it draws me in to be part of the welcome of God ... 

That all sounds very lovely ... and it is ... it is also profoundly challenging, giving rise to the question -
'Can I live it?'
Can I be open to the other - Divine or human – and make space for the other in my attention?

Does my practice of silence (or any spiritual practice) cut me off from myself and the world? Or does it enable me to be more open, more able to give my attention with compassion for the other? (I invite you to ask these questions of yourself and your own practice.)

For me, there is an imperative to enable inner silence and stillness as that which gazes, listens and speaks into the muddle and joy of life - and that includes the current crisis in Europe. I have felt challenged by the news of refugees, especially by the emotive language and images in the press. It seems to me that there is a need to discern what really needs to be heard and what does not – what is to be welcomed here? 

This becomes a question that is taken back into the silence - a place of constancy before God and the drip, drip, drip of loving attention, to hollow out a place of compassion and loving attention which by its very nature sees what is to be welcomed. 

David Wood in his book Dark Prayer: when all words fail, says this, 

All the great writers and contemplative people in Christian history say that when you go deep into the silence and solitude of the chasm, yes, you are indeed alone. Yet, paradoxically, you become more intimate with all the peoples of the world, not less: you are not shut off at all. You become more empty so that there is more space in you to be filled. Usually we are so evasive that we fill up our lives with people and notions we want to be of service to - and those we want to be of service to us – and we screen off those whom we do not want. But in becoming ever more silent we discover that this screening process fades. The whole world comes towards us, enters us. And surprise, surprise, we can be greatly encouraged by the sense of solidarity this gives, in both suffering and joy, with all those who arrive at our house, now that we have room for them.

At the heart of you, you are not a blasted heath, windswept, withered with the bitterness of being alone and unlovable, but a meeting place like a good inn where humanity gathers and brings its warmth. And in this way we show something of the glory of God.

Compassion, welcome and hospitality begins here. So wherever you are, in time, place or journey, I invite you to put aside some time each day in which to become aware of your body, to welcome it just as it is, as thoughts arise to notice them with gentle hospitality, and through it all to quietly constantly return to your breath, the ebbing and flowing of the giving and receiving – and may the welcome of God, made known to us in Jesus, be our welcome, to ourselves, to the Divine and to the other ....  

in the peace of Christ


Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Sheer Silence : Still Waters

a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the present moment in quiet

Saturdays 5th September & 3rd October 2015
8 - 10am 
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, West Sussex, RH20 4AE

For September and October we are trying out a new format which we hope will allow time for silence, for some input and led practice with the opportunity for some sharing of insight for those who wish. The timings will be as follows:

8am - 8.50am  - ‘Sheer Silence’ with an opportunity for contemplative practice in companionable silence. No words; the occasional chime to bring the attention back to the breath and to change posture if required. the invitation is to arrive when you like during this time and quietly slip in and participate in the silence. 

8.50-9am - music interlude

9am- 10am – ‘Still Waters’ with a short led introduction, followed by about 25 minutes silence and then a plenary session for shared insight to finish.

You are welcome to come at either 8 or 9am or to stay for the whole time.
No booking is required and all are welcome.

He said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.’ Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. Then there came a voice to him that said, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’

1 Kings 19:11-13
Silence - c. Tessa Holland 
Peace be with you 

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Journeying Together

A Service of Silence & Beholding

an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist
Sunday 26th July
St. Mary's Church, Sullington RH20 4AE

Carrying the Cross
On retreat 6 years ago at St. Beuno's in North Wales I was reflecting on my life as a priest here in the Diocese of Chichester. It was a painful time, one of feeling rejection and a lack of support from the Institution. It was a desert place and time. My retreat guide encouraged me to draw how I felt and to allow the activity of drawing and the painting itself to help me listen to what God might be showing me in my situation. 

As I drew, the landscape became a flowering wilderness, where in the distance there were people gathered. Too far off to see them clearly, but I had a sense they were people of the desert, waiting to offer welcome. The insights the painting offered has helped me journey deeper into the desert with hope.

As this cycle of services comes to its summer rest, those faces are now known to me as friends and fellow travelling companions who gather for Still Waters, Quiet Garden and this Eucharist. I am deeply grateful for your presence, your welcome and your companionship. 

During August we shall have a rest, 
returning on September 5th for Still Waters.

Peace be with you. 

Friday, 26 June 2015

June into July

A Service of Silence & Beholding: 
an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist
Sunday 28th June
St. Mary's Church, Sullington

Still Waters: 
a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the present moment in quiet
8 -10am
You are welcome to come at either 8 or 9 or to stay for the whole time. 
St Mary's Church, Sullington

Whether these events are part of your rhythm of contemplative practice, or you just need some space away from it all at this time of year, you will be most welcome. 

We love with God when and only when we are the conduit for God's reconciling presence with the person next to us. It is as we connect the other with the source of life that we come to stand in the place of life, the place cleared and occupied for us by Christ. 
Rowan Williams, Silence & Honey Cakes

Peace be with you.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Still Waters

This Saturday, 6th June, you are once again invited to join Mark and I up at Sullington church from 8am until 10am for ‘Still Waters: a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the presence in quiet.’ Our short introductory focus will be on the dynamic between solitude and community – and in particular on the paradox of entering into silence as a radical expression of community and connectedness with all ...
At the heart of a maturing community are people who have begun to find their balance in solitude, their equipoise of conversion, of ready, eucharistic, ungrasping response, of apatheia. By discovering what they must do to find and maintain this moving balance and repose, they have begun to find true community; they have realized interdependence that is focused beyond itself.
Maggie Ross, Pillars of Flame: power, priesthood and spiritual maturity

We hope that you are able to join us.

Peace be with you


Friday, 22 May 2015

Indwelling Flame

Pentecost Sunday 
24th May 2015
St. Mary's Church, Sullington

A Service of Silence and Beholding:

 an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist

It is done.
Once again Fire has penetrated the earth...
without earthquake, or thunderclap: the flame has lit up the whole world from within...
so naturally has it flooded every element, every energy, 
every connecting-link in the unity of our cosmos, 
that one might suppose the cosmos to have burst spontaneously into flame. 
The Mass on the World
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Peace be with you

Monday, 27 April 2015

Resurrection Beholding - continued...

This coming Saturday, 2nd May, is an opportunity to gather for another Contemplative Fire session of Still Waters: a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the present moment in quiet. 

Our focus will continue with 'Resurrection Beholding', on this occasion using a seven-step movement, developed by Revd Philip Roderick and which I have used on my own, with small groups and with too many to count of all ages at Greenbelt, the Christian music and arts festival. It is a wonderful contemplative exercise, very stilling, insightful and fun! 

We shall begin at 8am up at St, Mary's, Sullington and repeat the session at 9am. You are welcome to come for an hour at either 8 or 9, or to stay for the whole time - it's interesting how the second session is never the same as the first!  No booking required and all are welcome. Look forward to seeing you. 

'You are the deep innerness of all things,
the last word that can never be spoken.'
Maria Rainer Rilke

Peace be with you

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Resurrection Beholding of the Deep Innerness of all Things

As the season of Eastertide deepens, all are welcome to our monthly Service of Silence & Beholding at St. Mary's Sullington, this Sunday 26th April at 8am. Weather permitting, there will be an opportunity to be outside for a while during our shared liturgy of silence, stillness and reflection, before gathering again inside for the breaking of bread and sharing of wine. 

You are the deep innerness of all things,
the last word that can never be spoken.
Maria Rainer Rilke

Peace be with you

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Easter Meditation ...

The Rose Within (detail)
Tessa Holland

You are the future,
the red sky before sunrise
over fields of time.

you are the cock's crow when night is done,
you are the dew and the bells of matins,
maiden, stranger, mother, death.

You create yourself in ever-changing shapes
that rise from the stuff of our days - 
unsung, unmourned, undescribed,
like a forest we never knew.

You are the deep innerness of all things,
the last word that can never be spoken.
to each of us you reveal yourself differently:
to the ship as coastline, to the shore as ship. 

Rainer Maria Rilke
translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy

Peace be with you.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

'absence that is like a presence ...'

Still Waters returns to St. Mary's Church, Sullington, from April until October.  We begin at 8am with a short introduction leading into shared silence of about 35 - 40 minutes, followed by a repeat at 9am. You are welcome to come for an hour, or to stay for the whole time.    

Saturday, 4th April 2015
St. Mary's Church, Sullington. RH20 4AE

It will be what some call 'Holy Saturday', which concludes the season of Lent. For me this is a pivotal day, one with its own significance, often overlooked with business, following Good Friday the day before and anticipating the celebrations of Easter Day. So it will be a time of watching and waiting, emptying into the silence, bringing our loving attention to what the poet R. S. Thomas described as 'this great absence that is like a presence'.

Peace be with you. 

Tuesday, 24 March 2015


Eucharist at Sullington. March 22nd. 

wait and love simply
patiently breathing peace,
dissolving in Beauty.

presence encounters
presence. Love is the food and 

we provide the hunger.
Rachel Stapleton

Friday, 20 March 2015

Emptying into the Presence

A Service of Silence & Beholding

an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist

Sunday 22nd March
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, RH20 4AE

'Remain undivided and withhold yourself from all meddling with good or bad, 
high or low; let everything be, and keep yourself free to devote yourself to your Beloved and to content him whom you love in Love. This is your real debt, which, according to the truth of your nature, you owe to God and to those with whom you live in him - 
thus to love God in simplicity and seek after nothing 
but this single Love who has chosen us for herself alone.' 

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

An Earth Meditation ...

I wrote this meditation, beginning and ending with some words from St. Patrick's Lorica. We used it for Still Waters last Saturday in the prayer loft and we're going to try it outside for our Quiet Garden morning tomorrow ... 

Earth Meditation ... 

I Arise Today
Through the strength of heaven
Light of Sun
Radiance of Moon
Splendour of Fire
Speed of Lightening
Swiftness of Wind
Depth of Sea
Stability of Earth
Firmness of Rock ...

Standing – grounded through feet and centred in breath
1. Turn to the North – bring your awareness to the element of Air and wind; a place of communication & direction. What is the invitation or challenge for you in this place?  ...  Allow all that comes to mind to be gently present. Draw them in through your breath, breath out the healing unity of the Creator of Creation  

2. Turn to the East – bring your awareness to the element of Fire and the rising sun; a place of passion & transformation. What is the invitation or challenge for you in this place?  ...  Allow all that comes to mind to be gently present. Draw everything in through your breath, breath out the healing unity of the Creator of Creation  

3. Turn to the South - bring your awareness to the element of Water and rain, a place of growth & healing. What is the invitation or challenge for you in this place? ...  Allow all that comes to mind to be gently present. Draw everything in through your breath, breath out the healing unity of the Creator of Creation  

4. Turn to the West – bring your awareness to the element of Earth and soil; a place of rootedness & stability. What is the invitation or challenge for you in this place? ... Allow all that comes to mind to be gently present. Draw everything in through your breath, breath out the healing unity of the Creator of Creation  

I Arise Today
Through the strength of heaven
Light of Sun
Radiance of Moon
Splendour of Fire
Speed of Lightening
Swiftness of Wind
Depth of Sea
Stability of Earth
Firmness of Rock ...

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through a belief in the Threeness,
Through a confession of the Oneness
Of the Creator of creation
St. Patrick’s Lorica

Peace be with you. 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The Practice of Turning

Still Waters: 
a time to enter silence, still the mind 
and encounter the present moment in quiet. 

Saturday 7th March, Wild Fortune Prayer Loft. 
8.30 - 9.30a.m. with arrivals from 8. 
For further details and to let us know that you intend to come, 
please contact us via email. 

'Have one intention,
to remember the One.
Practice turning from the many to the One.
Practice seeing the many in the One and the One in the many.
Live in union with the One which unifies through the One.'
Priest-Monk Silouan
Wisdom Songs - adapted

Peace be with you

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Stillness & Turning

This first Sunday of Lent, 22nd February, at 8a.m. we will be gathering again at 
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, RH20 4AE
A Service of Silence & Beholding
an unhurried time of silence and stillness, in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist

In this Lenten season the invitation is one of 'metanoia' - of turning -     
to seek the face of God in the Beloved.
To be still before God in silence is to turn.
The more we practice stillness, the more the turning happens,
and in the turning stillness,
all else but the Oneness of Love falls away. 

Turn around 
Seek the face of the Holy 
Give yourself to this one thing 
Again and again

'Have one intention,
to remember the One.
Practice turning from the many to the One.
Practice seeing the many in the One and the One in the many.
Live in union with the One which unifies through the One.'
Priest-Monk Silouan
Wisdom Songs - adapted

Peace be with you

Friday, 13 February 2015

Awaken into Stillness ...

Over the last week, with others as a 'community of practice' in Still Waters and Quiet Garden, we have been exploring the relationship between movement and stillness. We walked together in the prayer loft on Saturday morning, slowly in a circle, sat in stillness, walked again and sat, allowing the movement to ease us into a deeper attentiveness.   On Wednesday, slowly pacing the garden's spiral prayer walk on my own, I was left with a clear internal invitation to 'awaken into stillness'. This has been accompanying me through each day, at home and elsewhere, in quiet and in the hubbub of life, rooting and grounding me deeper into being present to the present moment.

'Awaken into Stillness ...'

It sounds and feels invitational and at the same time contradictory ... my mind questions 'isn't awakening about being active and stillness associated with being passive'? 

I am laughing gently at my efforts to write about this ... putting the mind aside, my felt-sense is more about falling into stillness, or maybe unfolding into something that is beyond any movement and yet is full of life and growth. Language is never enough. Yet it is all I have ... especially on a blog!  

I am reminded again of T S Eliot in his poem 'Burnt Norton' ... 'Except for the point, the still point, there would be no dance, and there is only the dance ...' 

Again ... an echo ... a whisper ...  'stillness awakens into Life & Love ... so give yourself to the stillness!'

So may it be!
Peace be with you.

Monday, 2 February 2015

February Stillness ...

Whilst the garden here at Wild Fortune beckons for attention, with the soil being too hard and the temperature somewhat off-putting, it has been left just to be as it is over the winter. This morning after the bitter wind of the weekend, looking out over the garden, all was once again very still and for me, stilling ...

I have been pondering about stillness and its place not only in prayer and meditation, but in the whole of life really. For me it's enjoyable and something to be entered into in all sorts of ways - joyfully or wearily. Stillness connects me with my body, my inner being and my surroundings. Stillness and my being still enables a deeper opening up within and between and connects me with the other. 

I am also struck by how, from its depths, stillness might inform movement ...

So through February, and the gatherings for Still Waters, Quiet Garden and Silence & Beholding, there will be an invitation to explore and reflect on the dynamic between our practice of stillness and our practice of movement ... 

Still Waters: a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the present moment in quiet. Saturday 7th February, Wild Fortune Prayer Loft. 8.30 - 9.30a.m. with arrivals from 8. For further details and to let us know that you intend to come, please contact us via email. 

The Wild Fortune Quiet Garden: Jesus said, Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. Wednesday 11th February 10am -12.30pm. The morning is currently fully booked.

A Service of Silence & Beholding: an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist. Sunday 22nd February 8am, St. Mary's Church, Sullington, West Sussex. All are welcome.  

'Stillness is the tree of life in the midst of the garden. Its fruit is peace.'
Priest-monk Silouan

Peace be with you.

Friday, 23 January 2015

A Service of Silence & Beholding

a time of unhurried silence in which to dwell
at the heart of the Eucharist

Sunday 25th January 2015

St. Mary's Sullington, West Sussex RH20 4AE

On stillness:
To be still and hear the Word of God is to be lucid in heart, transparent, clear and unsullied. Nothing can contaminate stillness when the Holy Spirit grants wisdom to the humble heart ... Those who love wisdom live, move and have their being in stillness, encircling the ineffable ineffably, to the glory of God. Stillness is the holy sanctuary of wisdom. Wisdom is the luminous eye of stillness. 
Priest-Monk Silouan - Wisdom Songs

Peace be with you 

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Jesus said, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest' (Mark 6:31)

It's mid-January, Epiphanytide.
A day of grey light, shafts of brilliant sunshine occasionally piercing the cloud,
Yesterday was the first Quiet Garden morning since last April,
people quietly gathered, becoming present to the place and one another ...

I have been aware of time -
of long nights, grey mornings and dark evenings;
of another year passed, the winter stretching ahead,
spring only a whisper ...

Some say 'there is no time' and hurry on;
but it seems to me that we are invited to be here (wherever that is), now (whenever that is),
just as we are
to waste time with God
creator of time, the One who is beyond time ...

I am aware of the story ... of the Magi - the Wise Ones
- journeying, seeking, finding, departing by another way ...
and leaving in their wake the anger of Herod and his murder of children ....
It seems to me that, in a world divided by ideologies and agendas,
we are invited to be in this place, just as we are,
to seek the face of God with all of ourselves,
bringing our adoration and our doubts, our gifts and weaknesses,
our anxieties and our deepest longing ...
not in order to banish the other,
but to be immersed in the glory and love of God, in which difference no longer divides

I am aware of events around the world which tell of pain, violence and unspeakable suffering
And it seems to me that we are invited to be together
in stillness and silence, not as an escape from the world
but in order to be attentive to it from within the greater reality
of the Light and Glory and Fire of Divine Presence.

The words of Rumi resonate;
'All things change in this presence.
Armenians and Turks no longer know
which is which.'

(from Rumi: Bridge to the Soul, translated by Coleman Barks)

Peace be with you.