Friday, 20 May 2016

deepening tides moving out, returning ...

A Service of Silence & Beholding

an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist 

Trinity Sunday 22nd May 
St. Mary's Church, Sullington RH20 4AE

Then in these swelling and ebbing currents,
these deepening tides moving out, returning,
I will sing you as no one ever has ...

Peace be with you

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Active Silence

Still Waters: a time to enter silence, still the mind and encounter the present moment in quiet.

Saturday 7th May
St. Mary's Church, Sullington RH20 4AE

join us for a time of 'sheer silence', either in the quiet of the church 
or outside against the backdrop of the South Downs.

a led session until 10am with a short introduction on the contemplative tradition followed by about 25 minutes of companionable silence, concluding with shared reflections and prayer. 

All are welcome - at 8 or 9, or for the whole time. 
No booking required. 

It is by an attention full of love that we enable the Inner Light to blaze and illuminate our dwelling and to make our whole being a source from which this Light may shine out. 
Pierre Lacout  - Quaker Faith & Practice

Peace be with you.