Wednesday, 21 October 2015

A Service of Silence & Beholding

An unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist

Sunday 25th October
St. Mary's Church, Sullington, 
West Sussex RH20 4AE

'... if we are willing to be fully who we are in the equipoise of solitude, in the Silence of God, each of us is testing the edges of darkness, of unknowing, of death, testing the edges because only there is life. Faith is not assent to doctrines or surrounding ourselves with props and propositions. It is trust that God - as Christ shows us - has been there before us, goes within us, waits to find us beyond the edges of utter dark. And, found by God, we become aware that God is closer to our being than we are ... We find ourselves free-falling in eucharistic ungraspingness; and in faith we choose to continue to go on disturbing the universe, co-creating with God by our life and by our death become prayer in the mystery of grace.'

Maggie Ross
Pillars of Flame: Power, Priesthood, and Spiritual Maturity

Peace be with you. 

Thursday, 1 October 2015

October Stillness

Sheer Silence: Still Waters

Saturday 3rd October 2015

St. Mary's Church, 


8am -10am

You are warmly invited to gather this Saturday up at St. Mary’s Church, Sullington, for shared contemplative practice. Again we shall be trying a slightly different format. From 8am until 8.50, following the briefest of welcomes, there will be a time of ‘Sheer Silence’ with the singing bowl sounding at intervals to bring us back to our breath or to shift our posture. We shall have some quiet music playing between 8.50 until 9 whilst we either arrive, leave or stay put!  Then at 9am Meg will be leading us for ‘Still Waters’, with an introduction, a time of quiet, finishing with a brief time of plenary for any shared insight that people would like to offer. The session ends at about 10am. From November until March, for the winter months, our Saturday morning contemplative practice will be at our home, Wild Fortune, in the prayer loft.  More details to follow in due course.

 Peace be with you.