Sunday, 22 December 2013

Returning to the Heart of our Being

A Eucharist for Christmas Morning

25th December 2013
St. Mary's Church
RH20 4AE

I too will proclaim the greatness of this day:
the immaterial becomes incarnate,
the Word is made flesh,
the invisible makes itself seen,
the intangible can be touched,
the timeless has a beginning,
the Son of God becomes the Son of all people,
Jesus Christ,
always the same, yesterday, today and forever.
This is the solemnity we are celebrating today:
the arrival of God among us,
so that we might go to God,
unhindered and free,
returning to the heart of our being,
becoming one with God.

Gregory Nazianzen Oration 38, For Christmas (adapted)

Peace be with you

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Being, Beholding, Bearing

A Service of Silence & Beholding

an unhurried time in which to dwell at the heart of the Eucharist

Sunday 22nd December
St. Mary's Church
West Sussex
RH20 4AE

What good is it to me
if this eternal birth of the divine Son
takes place unceasingly
but does not take place 
within myself?
what good is it to me
if Mary is full of grace
and if I am not also full of grace?
What good is it to me
for the Creator to give birth to his/her Son
if I do not also give birth to him
in my time
and my culture?
This, then,
is the fullness of time:
when the Son of God is begotten
in us.

from Meditations with Meister Eckhart
 by Matthew Fox

Peace be with you

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Waiting for the Dawn

Still Waters
a time to enter silence, still the mind 
and encounter the present moment in quiet

Waiting for the Dawn - the now and not-yet of beholding

Saturday 7th December 
8 - 10am 

St. Mary's Church 
Sullington, West Sussex RH20 4AE 

You are welcome to come at either 8 or 9am for an hour, 
or to stay for the whole time. 
Please dress warm and comfortably as the heating can only do so much! 

Peace be with you